Sunday, March 28, 2010

Green Lemonade!!!!

Last summer I bought one of my favorite inventions... The Juicer!!! Lindsay had went to a local raw foods "cooking" class and had learned about Green Lemonade. While visiting her she whipped me up a cup and at first I was not in love... She had put fresh ginger in, which I haven't been able to get my tastebuds to enjoy. I got a juicer of my own and made a green lemonade with no ging... and that is when I fell in love!!!

Today I juiced: Kale, Celery, Romaine, Lemon, and Apple

Look at the love flow out of the juicer!!

Here she is folks......... Green Lemonade!!!

Peace and Love,

Today I am grateful for the wonderful day God has given me... The beautiful sun shining through the windows and the sound of birds chirping outside!!!
I am grateful for Pandora radio!!
I am grateful for Green Lemonade and the energy it gives me!!
I am grateful for the outlook of a great day of volunteering, and then running with Nikki!!!
I am grateful I am the oldest sibling, and I get to watch Kendra, Alexa, and Andrew grow.. learn.. and become wonderful people!! I have the best seat in the house!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

From Anti to PRO!

I heard the most profound thing today!! I was watching the movie The Secret, which is a post in itself so I won't go into too much... But they said we put a lot of focus on the negative, when we should be looking at things in a positive way... They said people would try to get Mother Teresa to attend Anti-War rallies... and Mother Teresa said if you have a peace rally, then invite me!!

I can't stop thinking about this!! This is soo true!! In the last year especially I have spent a lot of time saying I am anti-this and that!! For example, I have said I am anti-meat.. I am quick to tell everyone all the bad things about meat.. and it has been a battle that has gone no where!!! I have not gotten anyone to eat meat any less. Not that my goal is to get people to quick eating meat, but I thought if people really knew the bad things about meat why would they even eat them!! But now I am choosing to be Pro-Veggies!!! Looking back, the real reason I was attracted to my current lifestyle was all of the great things fruits and veggies have to offer!!

Another thing I have been very Anti is smoking.. So I am no longer going to be Anti-Smoking but Pro-Breathing!! There is nothing better than taking a deep breath and feeling your blood pump through your body and fill it energy! Just like smokers take smoke breaks.. I am going to take breathing breaks!! Five minutes every couple hours to just STOP everything and BREATH!!!

I challenge you to look at your anti's.. and how you can make them PRO's!!!


Peace and Love,

Today I am grateful for this insight into a whole new perspective on things!!!
I am grateful for the sun shining in my office and filling the room with light!!!
I am grateful for my sense of humor, and surrounding my self with people who love to laugh as much as I do!!!
I am grateful to work in an environment where we get to help individuals with disabilities to reach their goals in life and empower them to strive for more!!
I am grateful for technology and the ability to keep in touch with my friends near and far!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joie de Vivre!!!!

So my cousin is an amazing writer! He has written one book, and it working on two others.. I had sent him an email a couple weeks ago asking about life.. How things were going... I told him about my move and what I was up to.. had to name drop my blog so he could check it out! Since he was a writer I was a little nervous for him to read it!! He writes letters to all the family every couple weeks putting a quirky twist on his life in Cincinatti! They are always enjoyable to read.. Sometimes he does go on tangents where I get super lost in his intellectual ramblings (I say ramblings in a good way!!) sooo sometimes for me they are very educational!! Soo I got an email back from him today which was great, but what was even greater was in the email he gave me one of the best compliments! He said he read my blog and it was full of joie de vivre.. which I of course googled means enjoyment of life!!

I love it!! Thanks Dan!!

Peace and Love,
Green Heen

I am grateful for the wonderful email and kind words from my cousin Daniel I recieved today!!
I am grateful for a wonderful time at Fox Run Farms yesterday!! I love the Baileys!! I also love f. tv!
I am grateful for a great night of volleyball!! We were pretty rough around the edges when the season started, but we came sooo far!! It was a lot of fun!!!
I am grateful for a healthy lunch!!
I am grateful for my friend Jerome who will send random texts that always make the day even brighter!!
I am grateful Lindsay and I started emailing each other each morning a list of our gratefuls!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Today I am grateful for....

My friend Lindsay got to listen to a speaker one day named MK Mueller. She has a book and program called 8 to Great. One of the things she talks about it being grateful. MK Mueller suggests starting your day off with at least 3 things you are grateful for. I love it!!! We often find ourselves sharing all the bad things going on when we talk to those around us, and we tend to leave out all the great things!! I get emails from TUT everyday, and in every email is Thoughts become things, choose good ones!!

So I would LOVE to share what I am grateful for today:
I am grateful for the sun!!
I am grateful for a wonderful day!!
I am grateful for a great conversation with Lindsay today!!
I am grateful for great employees!
I am grateful I cleaned my juicer so I can make juice in the morning!!
I am grateful for a wonderful and safe weekend!!!

Peace and Love,
Green Heen

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kiss me.. I'm Irish!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Today is one of my favorite holidays!! I have been talking about it for the last couple days, and I have encountered a couple St. Patty's Day scrooges you could say... They are sort of bahh hummbugish about it! It's just another day... Just a reason to drink... I don't see the point... I have heard this about Valentine's Day.. Birthdays... and other holidays as well... What's the point?

Well, if we didn't have holidays and birthdays would we make time to celebrate and get together? In a world like today when some families are too busy to sit down and eat as a family together at night, would they make time to stop everything and spend time with each other and have a good time if there were no holidays??? Think about certain relatives that you have that you only see at Christmas.. thanksgiving... graduations... If we didn't celebrate those occasions would you see them?!?!

I love holidays! I love birthday!! I love it all!! I love them because they are always full of positiveness!! I work with individuals with disabilities. Everyday I walk into the workshop and see everyone doing their normal everyday tasks, I always get some hellos, but usually people stay on task and keep to themselves... I walk into today, keep in mind I have my sweet blinking shamrock earrings on, and I see smiles EVERYWHERE!! People showing me their green attire, saying Happy St. Patty's Day, everyone is talking about the special corn beef and cabbage lunch we are having, everyone is smiling... They get it!! They get the point of the day!! They get that day isn't really about St. Patrick who drove the snakes out of Ireland... The point is to stop our normal face paced, have to do a million things at a time to get things done attititude and talk to each other.. laugh with each other!!! The day is about celebrating life and having a good time!! Not once today did I see someone frown... THAT'S THE POINT!!!

Happy St. Patty's Day!!
Peace and Love,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

We are the world!!!

So I stumbled across this AMAZING video on youtube... It is an fabulous version of We Are The World sung by undiscovered youtube talent compiled together by Lisa Lavie! Check it out!
I tried to post the video right here, but it would only display half of the screen... So just hit up the link!

Peace and Love,
Green Heen

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Operation NICE

I recently stumbled across the blog and it has quickly become my new stalking grounds!! A whole blog dedicated to all things NICE!!! What a concept!! LOVE-LOVE-LOVE!!!!

Check it out!
Here is the first post which explains how Operation NICE got started!! I encourage you to check it out!!!

Peace and Love,
Green Teen

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pop... We need to talk.......

Dear pop,
I want to start by saying how much I love you and all your different flavors... Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Sunkist... We have had some really good times together over the years!! We've laughed, we've cried... We've spent many nights staying up until the wee hours together!!! You have always been there when I needed you..... But it hasn't always been great, you have made me feel shaky, you have given me heartburn, you have made me gain a lot of weight, and who knows what you have done to my organs!!! I just can't keep doing this to myself anymore!! It's time to end our 24 year relationship together.

I just can't drink you anymore!! It's not you it's me...... Okay, really it is you. You mean well, trying to say you are "healthy" with your diet options.... But we both know the truth... You just aren't natural with your high fructose corn syrup, your phosphoric acid, your sodium benzoate, your gun arabic, and your thiamin hydrocholride...

This isn't going to be easy, because we share a lot of the same friends. I don't want things to be awkward between us. I have been kind of drinking something else on and off for awhile now.... So, I just want you to be prepared when you see us together.

It has been great getting to know you over the years!! I am going to miss you A LOT!! But, it's for the best!!!

Green Heen


"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." —Albert Einstein

The first book I ever read about vegetarianism what a book by Kathy Freston titled, Quantum Wellness. Before reading this book I had thought vegetarians were only in it for animal rights.. I had no idea of the health issues related to an omnivores diet such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.... I was super excited to see Kathy wrote today's post on!!

Here is a little excerpt from Kathy Freston's post today on, Her piece was titled Shattering the Meat Myth.

"There is no more authoritative source on anthropological issues than paleontologist Dr. Richard Leakey, who explains what anyone who has taken an introductory physiology course might have discerned intuitively: humans are herbivores. Leakey notes that “[y]ou can’t tear flesh by hand, you can’t tear hide by hand… We wouldn’t have been able to deal with food source that required those large canines.” (Although we have teeth that are called “canines,” they bear little resemblance to the canines of carnivores).

In fact, our hands are perfect for grabbing and picking fruits and vegetables. Similarly, like the intestines of other herbivores, ours are very long (carnivores have short intestines so they can quickly get rid of all that rotting flesh they eat). We don’t have sharp claws to seize and hold down prey. And most of us (hopefully) lack the instinct that would drive us to chase and then kill animals and devour their raw carcasses. Dr. Milton Mills builds on these points and offers dozens more in his essay, “A Comparative Anatomy of Eating.”

The point is this: Thousands of years ago when we were hunter-gatherers, we may have needed a bit of meat in our diets in times of scarcity, but we don’t need it now. Says Dr. William C. Roberts, editor of the American Journal of Cardiology, “Although we think we are, and we act as if we are, human beings are not natural carnivores. When we kill animals to eat them, they end up killing us, because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings, who are natural herbivores.” "

It just makes you wonder... Would you eat beef if you had to kill a cow by hand??

Peace and Love,
Green Heen

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Three Thriftateers!

J-Rock and Kirstin Day!!!

This Saturday Jett Rocket (J-Rock) and his Momma Kirstin came to visit their Heen!! Which is ALWAYS something I enjoy!! We did one of our fav activities and that was thrifting! We hit up our fav thrift bookstore, Half Priced Books. Then we hit up the fab Big Wheels to Butterflys which is a kids clothing thrift store. Then we hit up Thrift America, and that place had some gems! If you were looking for a glass horse head statue, a welcome home sign made with acorns, or an electric porcelain tea pot.. Thrift America had it!!!! Moral of the story... Great Day!!

Aunt Heen and J-Rock!!!


Jett gives recycling green baby the Thumbs Up!

J-Rock heart melting like he does!!

He's bring droolin' back... yep!

Thanks for a great day K & J!!!

Peace and LOVES!!
Green Heen