August was my favorite month in 2009 because that was the peak of my healthiness! I was soo focused on training and eating right! I had this euphoric energy that was like a high!!! It was AMAZING!!
How am I feeling now.. bleh... Those feelings of yuck about myself are coming back.. That feeling of comfortablity in my skin are disappearing.... My energy level looks like a heart monitor... up and down.. up and down... Not the energy I was feeling in August for sure!! :(
Soo.. now what? How did this happen when I thought it was fool proof not to!!
Well, I know that little spark is in there.. It may be dim, but we are 'bout to light it up!!
The amazing Kris Karr's blog/website (which is about to take over facebook's spot as first website I check in the morning) has a new blog everyday from different people, mothers, raw foodist, nature lovers, motivational and spiritual guiders... Well lately things have really been just what I need to hear....
I have been thinking a lot about needing to get back into things... and dwelling on how did I let this happen again... So, today I go to check the and Natalia Rose was the writer of todays piece. Natalia wrote a book I have read called, Raw Detox Diet. Natalia's book was a HUGE spark lighter for me in July, so I when I read the title of her piece today, Just Jump.. I knew she could help me relight that spark...
She started off by telling the story of the frog in the pot of boiling water... (which oddly I had just read in Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey) So the story goes, If you drop a frog in boiling water he is going to jump out immediately to get away from danger. But if you drop a frog in warm water and gradually increase the heat the frog will not be aware of the danger until it is to late...
REALLY!! Am I really reading this right now!!! Talk about "just what I needed to hear"!!! What a perfect analogy!! This is exactly what got me to 225 pounds in the first place... And now I am back in a pot of warm water as the heat is beginning to rise... Sure it is nice an warm and cozy in this hot tub of life and I don't want to get out, but if I don't I will end up a fat boiled mess! And you know what.. I DON'T WANT THAT FOR MYSELF!!!
Soo... lets back up a week. I had just finished watching one of the most amazing, inspiring, and life changing documentaries I had ever seen!! It was called Crazy Sexy Cancer... okay I am a little obessed with Kris Karr but she is too amazing not to be! So quick bio, Kris was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer on Valentines Day 2003. She had 24 tumors in her lungs and liver. The cancer she had was a tricky little guy because it grows super fast and spreads right away and then slows way down and then sits and waits to attack again! Well Kris wasn't going to have any of that!! So Kris researched and spoke to anyone she could get her hands on about facing this cancer head on with no medical drugs!! I know.. she rocks!!! So this documentary follows her through her journey.
I have been going over that movie numerously since I watched it! Kris was faced with stage four cancer, and like she says... There is no stage 5!! But she continued to get up everyday and fight for her life... and isn't that what we are all trying to do!! We are all here on earth for X amount of days... We are all going to die of something... But don't you want those X amount of days to be the best X amount of days they can be!!!!!!! I think about my faith a lot and I believe God has a plan for all of us! Even when the plan seems cruel ie: cancer, disablites, miscarriages, accidents... Everything is part of a big plan that we don't always understand... I feel like part of my purpose on earth is to be a good person and to help others. Through watching Kris's journey I began thinking about how food hasn't always allowed me to do that... When I weighed 225 pounds I was LAZY! I would lay on the couch every chance I got... How is that living out God's plan?? How am I being the best I could be laying on the couch!!! There are many dieases today that are directly correlated to our diets... Look at diabetes, very debilitating! It could be hard to be everything you wanted to be when you are contanstly having to worry about your blood sugars, cirrculation issues.... ect... Eating unhealthy, and getting fat affect more than just in the mirror!!
These last couple weeks I have done a lot of thinking, evaluating, planning, and preparing!! I have been sitting in this warm pot of water to long and it is about to be too late... So it is time to light that spark and jump!!!
Heen de la Green!
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