Be the GREEN you wish to see...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Blueberry Oatmeal!!

Gluten Free Oats.
Almond Milk.
Fresh Fruit.
I used blueberries as my fruit.. So i just combined it all in a pot and cooked it! Best oatmeal I have ever had!! Soooo good!! If you like it sweeter you can always add agave nectar!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Lady V!

I decided this little gal.. the vitamix.. needs a name! So I did some brief research and realized that Vita is latin for Life... Fitting, i know! Sooo I decided Lady V would be her name! Standing for Lady of Life!
So, yesterday I went to Trader Joes and Hy-Vee to stalk up on blendables! My first smoothie: Water, Kale, Raspberries, Banana, Pear, Carrot! It was deeeelish! :) Pictures and more posts to come!!!
I am so thankful to have received Vitamix... But I am even more thankful for the guy behind the gift! He is simply amazing!! :)
Friday, April 1, 2011
Can a demotion send you in an up motion?
I ASKED for a demotion... Never thought that would be in my career path. Never thought I would voluntarily go backwards! I woke up the next morning thinking, "Was I high yesterday?" May have been one of the single hardest decisions I have made in my 26 little years!
I know... You want the dirt.. the juice... the reason behind this crazy decision! Well I hope you have time because this could be awhile! haha!!
Last year I took the job as Facility Supervisor with a gung ho attitude! I was ready to change some lives!!! I was scared.. I didn't know if I could do it.. I didn't know if I was ready... But I shot for the moon! I was quickly thrown into a position, and came to realize I didn't really know what I was doing! Over the last year I have spent a lot of time trying very hard to learn the position, the paper work, everything that came with the job. I compare the last year of my life to a 3 ring circus... An out of control circus in which I would spend time in one ring getting things under control and the other two would spiral out of control.. So I would leave and go tend to another ring... and this went on... and on.. and on.... All while trying to have a social life, focus on my health, train for a half marathon, continue on a path of self-discovery, AND living 90 miles from my family for the first time in my life! Everyday was up and down... I would wake up happy and ready to take on the world, and by the end of the day I felt like I accomplished nothing and had no desire to clean my room.. my car... run... eat healthy....
I decided something needed to change in January. I gave it all I had... I changed my eating habits... Running became a part of my life.. Heck, I even won a Wellness Challenge through my chiropractor! But still.... I continued to feel like the ring leader of this out of control circus!
I sat down with myself and said, this can't happen anymore.. for you.. for your company.. for those around you... this must STOP! So the decision of what to do.... demote or find another job... Another job is always appealing... A new chance, new co-workers, new opportunities... But what was it that I wanted? What would I do... After going to the job websites I realized I had NO IDEA what I would do! Secretary? Did I reallly want that or was I just telling myself it sounded like a good idea.
A position came open working directly with the individuals at work... Great hours.. I know all the individuals and co-workers... So I was left with the question.. apply or not to apply... What do I want to accomplish in this life? Do I want to go back to school? What would be my dream job? Can I get there with my current position.... After tears and many many many discussions with my parents, sister, boyfriend, friends and current co-workers I just felt like for me, for my dream, this needed to happen! Someone posted on my facebook, "Some of the best dances start by taking a step backwards first" :)
So, here we are..... I have officially demoted.... I don't know where this will all lead me, but I am excited!
breathe. dream. love.
Teeney bit of Heen!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Lazy Perfectionist
I have always joked around that I am a lazy perfectionist. By this, I mean that when I actually do something... like clean my room I want it done perfect. Growing up I hated cleaning my room.. I mean they didn't call me "Messy Jessi" for no reason... BUT when I did clean my room I did it perfect! Lining up all the little trinkets on my dressers... labeled my drawers.. organized the closet by color. This is how I have done a lot of things in my life. I either do it perfect, or don't really do it at all.
I have always known I was a lazy perfectionist, but I always just associated it with house work. Until now!! I realize I do it in all aspects of my life!! My room, my work, my diet..... And this is why my weightloss journey looks like a heart monitor! Up.. Down.. Up.. Down..........
Its like I become obsessed with new things... engulf my life with it.. and then when I can't be "perfect" and I just stop it all together! Aside from being a vegetarian... I have done this with every other thing I have tried to do! I mean I have given up pop like 53 times in the last year! haha! I feel like realizing this has been the biggest EUREKA in my life so far!! Because now I can recognize it and not fall into a "lazy perfectionist" trap!
Since January 18, 2011... I have been going on a great path! Not a path of perfection.. but a path of success!!
I have a lot of recipes and great new discoveries to share! So I promise not to leave you waiting for weeks like I have been!
Much Love,
Greeeeeeen Perfectly Imperfect Heen
I have always known I was a lazy perfectionist, but I always just associated it with house work. Until now!! I realize I do it in all aspects of my life!! My room, my work, my diet..... And this is why my weightloss journey looks like a heart monitor! Up.. Down.. Up.. Down..........
Its like I become obsessed with new things... engulf my life with it.. and then when I can't be "perfect" and I just stop it all together! Aside from being a vegetarian... I have done this with every other thing I have tried to do! I mean I have given up pop like 53 times in the last year! haha! I feel like realizing this has been the biggest EUREKA in my life so far!! Because now I can recognize it and not fall into a "lazy perfectionist" trap!
Since January 18, 2011... I have been going on a great path! Not a path of perfection.. but a path of success!!
I have a lot of recipes and great new discoveries to share! So I promise not to leave you waiting for weeks like I have been!
Much Love,
Greeeeeeen Perfectly Imperfect Heen
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Funky to Fresh
Why hello there... sweet blog of mine!
It has been awhile! I did not abandon you! I was looking over past posts and we have been on a bit of a roller coaster since I started you!!
Soo, I suppose I should update you....... Well, it's not been good! Not good at all! My diet has consisted of Pop, Scooters, Fries, Ranch, Cheese... McDonald's, Runza.... It's just been bad!!! So, what have I been feeling because of this.. TIRED, ANGRY, NEGATIVE! I have been irritable.. crabby... negative... I just have felt inside that I have been going through the motions.
I of course tried a couple times to "diet" "eat healthy" whatever you want to call it... give up pop for the 40th time this year.. NOTHING was getting me out of this FUNK I was in!! I was talking to Liz and Lindz and I would have great ideas and concepts, but I was just not following through!! I got the book A Course in Weightloss 21 spiritual lessons to losing the weight forever by Marianne Williamson (One amazing lady!) This is where things began to click!!!!
This book is helping me to look into why I have issues with eating, weight, and being healthy. I have recently discovered that I like to run away from things! My apartment is messy... I just keep running away from the problem instead of cleaning it! I am doing this with EVERYTHING I don't want to deal with.. Work, Money, etc..... I realized with some of these things I have been running for a couple years... and the problem is not getting better! I am not magically getting money in my account, by not addressing the problem!
Soooo... I set a date and said I am starting with my health because I need to feel good to tackle the other things! So, Monday November 29th I made the change! I decided I needed to go strict for awhile or I would just fall back into the cycle... So, NO pop, NO caffeine, NO chips.. and then I am trying hard to say NO to bread, noodles, tortillas, milk, cheese, eggs...
Day 1-4 were the hardest because of the caffeine headaches! I also had to tackle 4 out to eat experiences. I had a thin crust veggie pizza with NO cheese at pizza hut... soup and salad at olive garden.. eggs and hash browns at ihop.. and a pretzel at the mall! Soo, I tried to make the best decisions at each place. and I feel good about my decisions!!
I am now on day 9 with NO CHIP, POP, or CAFFEINE which hasn't happened in... well EVER!! haha!! Even when I was cleansing last year I had corn chips!! Soo this is huge!!
How am I feeling now.. OMGOSH! MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!! My tiredness has decreased GREATLY!! I am feeling like I have soo much more energy!! My plan is to stick with it until December 23rd, and then pick back up again December 27th. Then December 31st- January1st off and then January 2nd to the marathon.. back at it!
I am glad to be back!!!
I missed you!!!
Peace and Love,
It has been awhile! I did not abandon you! I was looking over past posts and we have been on a bit of a roller coaster since I started you!!
Soo, I suppose I should update you....... Well, it's not been good! Not good at all! My diet has consisted of Pop, Scooters, Fries, Ranch, Cheese... McDonald's, Runza.... It's just been bad!!! So, what have I been feeling because of this.. TIRED, ANGRY, NEGATIVE! I have been irritable.. crabby... negative... I just have felt inside that I have been going through the motions.
I of course tried a couple times to "diet" "eat healthy" whatever you want to call it... give up pop for the 40th time this year.. NOTHING was getting me out of this FUNK I was in!! I was talking to Liz and Lindz and I would have great ideas and concepts, but I was just not following through!! I got the book A Course in Weightloss 21 spiritual lessons to losing the weight forever by Marianne Williamson (One amazing lady!) This is where things began to click!!!!
This book is helping me to look into why I have issues with eating, weight, and being healthy. I have recently discovered that I like to run away from things! My apartment is messy... I just keep running away from the problem instead of cleaning it! I am doing this with EVERYTHING I don't want to deal with.. Work, Money, etc..... I realized with some of these things I have been running for a couple years... and the problem is not getting better! I am not magically getting money in my account, by not addressing the problem!
Soooo... I set a date and said I am starting with my health because I need to feel good to tackle the other things! So, Monday November 29th I made the change! I decided I needed to go strict for awhile or I would just fall back into the cycle... So, NO pop, NO caffeine, NO chips.. and then I am trying hard to say NO to bread, noodles, tortillas, milk, cheese, eggs...
Day 1-4 were the hardest because of the caffeine headaches! I also had to tackle 4 out to eat experiences. I had a thin crust veggie pizza with NO cheese at pizza hut... soup and salad at olive garden.. eggs and hash browns at ihop.. and a pretzel at the mall! Soo, I tried to make the best decisions at each place. and I feel good about my decisions!!
I am now on day 9 with NO CHIP, POP, or CAFFEINE which hasn't happened in... well EVER!! haha!! Even when I was cleansing last year I had corn chips!! Soo this is huge!!
How am I feeling now.. OMGOSH! MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!! My tiredness has decreased GREATLY!! I am feeling like I have soo much more energy!! My plan is to stick with it until December 23rd, and then pick back up again December 27th. Then December 31st- January1st off and then January 2nd to the marathon.. back at it!
I am glad to be back!!!
I missed you!!!
Peace and Love,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
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