I have always joked around that I am a lazy perfectionist. By this, I mean that when I actually do something... like clean my room I want it done perfect. Growing up I hated cleaning my room.. I mean they didn't call me "Messy Jessi" for no reason... BUT when I did clean my room I did it perfect! Lining up all the little trinkets on my dressers... labeled my drawers.. organized the closet by color. This is how I have done a lot of things in my life. I either do it perfect, or don't really do it at all.
I have always known I was a lazy perfectionist, but I always just associated it with house work. Until now!! I realize I do it in all aspects of my life!! My room, my work, my diet..... And this is why my weightloss journey looks like a heart monitor! Up.. Down.. Up.. Down..........
Its like I become obsessed with new things... engulf my life with it.. and then when I can't be "perfect" and I just stop it all together! Aside from being a vegetarian... I have done this with every other thing I have tried to do! I mean I have given up pop like 53 times in the last year! haha! I feel like realizing this has been the biggest EUREKA in my life so far!! Because now I can recognize it and not fall into a "lazy perfectionist" trap!
Since January 18, 2011... I have been going on a great path! Not a path of perfection.. but a path of success!!
I have a lot of recipes and great new discoveries to share! So I promise not to leave you waiting for weeks like I have been!
Much Love,
Greeeeeeen Perfectly Imperfect Heen
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